New York: Day 1
What is an epic adventure if there aren’t bumps in the road. I certainly didn’t think one would come at the very start. I had found a cheaper motel near the stadium for the first Metallica show and had planned to be there for 4 nights. Upon arrival, in my $130 Uber ride, it was clear that this was a dump. Asked to be checked in, at the counter behind thick plexiglass, and was rudely told “not now and just sit” waiting about 2 hours a lady told me I could check in. Got to the room to find a room that could only be described as a place someone might take a prostitute. There was a green fluorescent light, 3 different kinds of locks, one ratty couch, and a crusty bed. The bed had cigarette burns, stains, and the crustiest sheets you have ever seen. I stood there for a brief moment and said to myself “no f-in way.” I returned to the lobby and a man was at the counter pleading with the manager for a room (to which there was none but about to be haha). He said to the manager “bro if someone dies let me know cuz I NEED a room. If not, gonna have to sleep on the street!” I stepped in and said “you’re in luck I’m relocating so it’s all yours.” The manager didn’t seem to pleased at my comment but handed him my card and a moment later he slid it under the window say “there.”

I ordered an Uber and headed to a Sheraton in the city, for more money of course. The doorman opened the door for me and the nice receptionist said welcome and will be about an hour or so before check in. With my new found enthusiasm I broke out the camera and hit the streets.
The hotel is close to the stock exchange and the One World Trade Center so headed in that direction. I wandered the streets filled with people, food markets, and pan handlers.

Arrived at the 9/11 memorial and took in all it honored and represented. Tons of people lined every side of the sunken waterfall memorial with minimal chit chat but mostly just looking. In the same plaza is the One World Trade Center that stands at 104 floors and is the tallest building in the western hemisphere. Purchased a ticket to ride to the top and look out from its 360degree observation deck. You enter the elevator and I must have missed the explanation that there is a presentation on the way up because the doors closed and the walls lit up with an animation of an underground elevator shaft. The elevator took off and so did the animation showing the development of the city through the years until you reach the top. But unaware that was going to happen my hands started to sweat and started feeling off balance and kinda scared of heights all of a sudden haha. Could not have been happier to reach the top! The observation deck is spectacular. If you get the enhanced ticket you are given an iPad that has an overlay of the city with interest points you can learn about. The view from up there is insane. Looking down on a sea of building from all different eras and people look like ants. Helicopters and planes fly above, below, and at the same height you are. It’s an extraordinary experience. On the way down why wouldn’t they have another animation! This one however descends out of an elevator shaft and then turns in to Wonka’s Great Glass Elevator and spirals down around the building until it reaches the underground shaft you left from.

Headed back towards the hotel to download the days images and shower before meeting up with college buddy Jeff. The plan was to do a bit of food and drinks but everyone knows once the party starts it destined to end at 3am. We first hit a hookah lounge followed by The Dead Rabbit. Met an awesome lady from Stanton Island and her lesbian friends. The girl next to us on the opposite end was a corpse with not a drop of personality. We drank local whisky and beers and followed our new friends to another bar. Drank more and finally the bars closed and made the walk back to the hotel.
No better way to start an adventure with a day of ups and downs. What seemed like a doomed start turned in to a fun filled day of exploration, views, friends, drinking, and laughing. Can’t wait for opening night of the M72 tour and hopefully can weasel my camera in!