Lets Take Stock of Stockholm | Day 21
As expected the morning came a lot quicker than I had hoped. Might have been feeling the effects of last night/this mornings choices but either way we had to get off the ship. I had strategically set my alarm for an hour and a half early
Set Sail to Sweden | Day 20
Luckily enough I had done all of my laundry and had packed it a couple days before so there wasn't to much to pack. Check out was at Noon and they said I could have a later checkout but would be 15 euros per hour and
Here Comes the Rain | Day 19
Needless to say I woke up later this morning. Had such a blast last night and not going to sleep until 2 doesn't promote and early wake up. It was about 11:30 when I woke up and wanted to venture out and just walk around a
And Tributes For All… | Day 18
The bummer with falling behind on computer work is that it never goes away and needs to get done. Similar to Budapest I took the morning to sort images, retouch, and type. That went about as fast as it good but when noon rolled around it
A Daytime Metallica Show | Day 17
It is nice that Helsinki will be a longer stay. This last week and a half has been non stop travel and exploration it is nice to have a few days to just be somewhere. Likewise laundry is getting desperate. Mentioning that this hotel has more
Next Stop Helsinki | Day 16
Was up and out about 9:30am. My flight was at 11:35 and wanted to leave myself plenty of time. The airport was 30 or so minutes away and when I walked inside the baggage line was lengthy. I would say an easy 50 people all waiting
A Night at the Opera | Day 15
Seems like unless I have a tour or something on the books planned my days are following the same schedule. I woke up mid morning and worked on the computer for a while. Not only do these writeups take a while but also the retouching and
A Night With Nickleback | Day 14
Since I lose most things in my life I made sure to get the printed train ticket I had gotten back in Vienna for the train ride. The train was at 10:55am and I had gotten up early enough to get some breakfast. I had pre-paid
Lightning Does Strikes Twice | Day 13
The 3rd beer I might could have done without but when in Budapest I suppose haha. I seem to have gotten behind on my daily entries so I sacrificed the mid morning to work on the computer. Yesterday I had gotten about a noon start and
The Great City of Budapest | Day 12
Well as anticipated I slept in just a little bit. All that fun was a bit to much fun. I had pre-paid this time for breakfasts but I woke up a tad past breakfast closing time. I continued to lay around for just a little thinking