New York: Day 1
What is an epic adventure if there aren’t bumps in the road. I certainly didn’t think one would come at the very start. I had found a cheaper motel near the stadium for the first Metallica show and had planned to be there for 4 nights.
New York: Day 2
Needless to say was a bit of a rough morning haha. Woke up at 3pm, in part to the gnarly 6hr time change, but mostly because of the 4am return from the bar. Collected myself and was already time to head towards MetLife Stadium for opening
New York: Day 3
My hope of waking up at a normal hour was dashed after finally getting to bed at 4am from the concert. I finally woke up at 3pm and had a message from my cousin saying his plans had changed and did I want to meet up
New York: Day 4
Seems like per the usual woke up around 3pm. Being unsuccessful yesterday finding a clear backpack that was the day’s priority. I searched the internet and found that a local Under Armor had on in stock and only a few blocks away. I ventured back through
New York: Day 5
Last day in NYC! Had a bit earlier start as I had to be out of the hotel by 2. I packed up all my gear and headed to the lobby. After seeing my cousins on Saturday, John had offered to let me crash at his